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Re: DateBox

Le 14/06/2024 à 03:36, gbWilly a écrit :
If I want to have some translation work in next release, I read somewhere not to do it in master because of the back-porting.

What is the proper way to go about that?


If you want to do translation for the next stable release, do that in
the "stable" branch. You can then import them later in the "master"
branch with the IDE.

I updated all dutch translations for stable branch
I did the update like this on my fork:

$ git checkout stable
$ git pull upstream stable (-> this is your stable, so they where both in sync before starting)

  Next do all translations

$ git commit (-> with proper commit message)
$ git push origin stable

Next I requested a merge from my stable.
The merge says there is a conflict that not allows to merge.
This is because of my stable wanting to merge into your master I seems/.
Since my stable is behind on your master, what is correct approach from here on.
Resolving the conflict would mean my stable pulling in commits from master, not what I want and I guess not what you want ;)

My question is what do I need to do. Do I first need to get my stable into my master before asking for a merge request?
Or can you merge my stable directly into your stable?


You must create a merge request on the stable branch, not the master branch.


Benoît Minisini.

Re: DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: DateBoxgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>