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Re: Editor: Folding sections?

On 12/6/24 6:54 pm, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
It is possible to fold/unfold functions and subs in the editor. Very handy by times...

But is it also possible to fold greater sections of code? And if yes, how do I "mark" a section then?

This is my idea: There is a db project which comprises general data, account data etc. for persons stored. There are different buttons, lists etc. for each kind of data. Their _Click() and other events are grouped within the class text, but I haven't found a way to fold e. g. the whole section which comprises all Subs and Functions concerning "general data", or "account data" etc. So they wouldn't fold one-by-one, but the whole section of text would collapse.

Thanks for your input!


and it would be nice to be able to fold continuation lines. For example, I have a very long string array defined as

Public ObjTypes As String[] = [":Goods",
                                ":Factories",  etc etc

for about 100 lines. It's nice to be able to code it as continuation lines but it would be nice to be able to fold it all up when I'm not interested in it.


Editor: Folding sections?Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>