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Re: Wayland and Gambas

On Mon, 8 Apr 2024 at 11:44, Neil Darlow <neil@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi BruceS,
> Is Gambas on Wayland as bad as you think? I'm running Gambas on
> GNOME/Wayland in fedora Silverblue on real hardware.
> I'm in a Wayland session and have run Gambas under both GTK+3 and Qt5.
> I assume that the Gambas IDE gives the controls a good work-out and I
> can say that I'm only aware of one tiny issue.
> When I have a dialog open and I wish to close it with one of its
> controls it often does nothing until I navigate, with the mouse,
> outside the dialog and back into it. After doing that, the controls
> work as expected. I assume this is some kind of modality/non-focus
> issue.
> I find that all the flatpak applications I run in this environment are
> well-behaved and the only issues I experience are well-known ones
> related to the need for additional portals etc.
> There may be subtle corner-cases that don't work but I don't believe
> that Wayland is a major show-stopper. And if it is causing issues, is
> that due to Wayland itself or one of the many WMs (KWin, Mutter or
> Muffin) in combination with the GUI tooklit in use?
> Regards,
> Neil Darlow

I guess it depends on the application.

I have some that just open a GUI and they are fine.

But the list of problems in my programs with wayland is huge.

Most of my applications are desktop background programs that wish to open a
window in a particular place on the desktop screen.
See the attached image of my desktop.
My Desktop-ish launcher (bottom left) . not possible with wayland unless i
add a border and move it ea\ch time it loads.
my GLaunch gambas project manager (bottom right) opens it's window by the
tray icon.  not on wayland though
My Temp, temp monitor, (top right) nope.

It's like with wayland there is no way to bake a decent background desktop
GUI, just ones that open, get used then get closed.
only windows with border/titlebar can be moved.  any kind of code to move a
form seems not possible.

My Gmag app, a simple magnifier using Desktop.Screenshot()  , but not with
wayland as Desktop.Screenshot() using Desktop.Portal would now be more
appropriately named Desktop.OpenScreenshotDialog()

I just had to track down a bug in my Blockski+ game that was due to
something like this...
Public Sub Form_Show()

  Me.Activate() ' ensure form is the active one


That worked okay on x11 but now I found with wayland that caused an
infinite loop as the Me.Activate() called Form_Show again.
(it's possibly useless code anyway)

Sigh ,new system, new problems

But I guess it's as Ben says, all we can do is pray that wayland team sorts
these incompatibilities out!


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Re: Wayland and GambasNeil Darlow <neil@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Wayland and GambasNeil Darlow <neil@xxxxxxxxxxxx>