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Re: [Gambas-user] Drag and drop to TextArea

Am 02.11.23 um 02:05 schrieb sbungay:
  Can the mouse pointer be tracked across a form or a component such as a TextArea without the need to hold the left button down?

   If yes, then can the mouse pointer be tracked while dragging data?

  I need to drag data from one control (a treeview node in this case) to a text area and insert that data into the text area at the point where the mouse cursor located over the text area when the data is dropped.

----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----

Well, there are the events _Enter and _Leave. _MouseMove and the Tracking property set to True might do the rest. According to the help text, if Tracking = True then the MouseMove event is used even without one mouse button pressed.

But try it yourself...
