[Gambas-user] Error installing Gambas Master

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 17:50:30 CET 2021

On Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 15:47, Gianluigi <bagonergi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Il giorno ven 5 mar 2021 alle ore 16:09 Bruce Steers <bsteers4 at gmail.com>
> ha scritto:
>> so why say you stick with stable as it's better because it uses QT when
>> you know master can be easily QT too?
>> I don't understand why you said you cannot know of master fixes and
>> stable is better as it's qt.
>> I give you answers to both those complaints and you reply with "of course
>> I know"
>> Happy to help...
>> Bruce Steers
>> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
> You suggest me I can use env GB_GUI to force... etc.
> Well, since you have a short memory, read here:
> https://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/user/2020-November/070664.html
> this is what I mean by "of course I know".

Me memory isn't that bad , that why i said "but you know this" ;)
But alas the memory came after i had given the instructions and i didn't
want to have wasted my time typing the help ;)

> Naturally you are the best, Benoit wouldn't know how  to do if you weren't
> there.
> And it is thanks to this that we can now safely use the stable and stop
> with our miserable search for bugs.

aaah yeah I remember back then when stable being unstable was pretty
bloomin annoying.
I almost fell out with people here over all my moaning about it ;)
gotta say what you gotta say though right?

ever since i was a child before computers were even invented (almost) i
have never been fond of bugs, especially the nasty ones.

> Thank you so much for your tremendous help

well it gives me something to do, and likewise dude :)
To be fair I do it because it benefits you, me, Benoit and everyone.

I just need to convince you, me Benoit and everyone that we need to stop
making new stuff and new bugs for a bit and refine what's there :)
(or maybe it's just me who needs to hear that? I seem to have a collection
of working but 3/4 finished programs ;) lol)

Well wishes
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