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Re: Reordering components in HPanel fails

Le 17/07/2024 à 14:39, T Lee Davidson a écrit :
On 7/16/24 22:29, Stéphane Aulery wrote:
I was wrong, it's not an HPanel but a Panel. I think it doesn't change anything because the Arrangement property is on Vertical.
In the left column all elements have the same value for property X (7).

excution.png, form.png and FMain.form show that controls inside Panel3 are ordered by their order in FMain.form.

I also tried to set the X of LabelSearchOptions to 5 and the X LabelSearchText to 9, to check if X values change the ordering inside the panel in execution. It's still not better.
If a container has its Arrangement property set to Vertical, then their 
Y properties should determine their vertical order. Their width attempts 
to fill the horizontal space within the container. So, it is expected 
that you would not see any difference when changing their X properties.
The screenshots also show that Y plays no role.

Stéphane Aulery

Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reordering components in HPanel failsStéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsStéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsT Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsT Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsStéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsStéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx>
Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsT Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>