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Reordering components in HPanel fails


I try to clone AstroGrep under Linux


I'm having trouble with the layout. I can't get the fields to stretch horizontally. I guess I'm not using the right combination of containers and options. Maybe you can advise me on this (I'll provide a screenshot this evening).

For the moment I tried to put ComboBoxes and Labels in an HPanel, itself in the left part of a Splitter. I use the HPanel because it automatically arranges the fields.

My problem is that if I arrange the fields with the graphical editor or try to order them with the container tree viewer, I never get the controls in the order I want. If I reorder the fields in the container tree viewer and then save, the order is lost.

I don't understand what order it follows unless it's the initial insertion order of the components, which is no use to me since you can't define an Order property.

What am I doing wrong?


Stéphane Aulery

Re: Reordering components in HPanel failsBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>