[Gambas-user] gb.poppler - questions and issues

Benoît Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Tue Jan 23 21:15:29 CET 2024

Le 23/01/2024 à 20:00, Claus Dietrich a écrit :
> Hi
> The Gambas-Buch team is currently working on a new chapter for the 
> gb.poppler component. The IDE presents it as immature and there is a 
> considerable lack of documentation, but we like to provide something 
> because the classes turned out to be useful for different applications. 
> So we would be grateful to get answers to following questions:
> 1. What does the property "Label" of .PdfPage return?
> Example: Print hPdfDocument[0].Label
> On first sight it seems to provide the page index + 1 as string. Is this 
> a coincidence in the sample project or a fixed and intended 
> relationship? How can it be used?

The label comes from the poppler API. No idea where it comes from. I 
guess this is something stored in the PDF file.

> 2. Why is the property Thumbnail of .PdfPage always Null?
> Example: hPdfDocument[0].Thumbnail.Save("/home/claus/img0.png")
> Is that a bug?

The property is not implemented yet.

> 3. Why is the property ModificationDate always wrong?
> Example: hPdfDocument.ModificationDate
> It always returns something around 01.01.1970 00:59:59 while file 
> managers return something realistic. Is that a bug?

The date comes from the poppler API. Same thing, I guess it's something 
stored inside the PDF file.

> 4. What does PdfIndex.Opened as Boolean indicate?

The poppler documentation says: "Returns whether this node should be 
expanded by default to the user. The document can provide a hint as to 
how the document's index should be expanded initially."

> 5. We kindly ask to get some background on the empty documentation at 
> https://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.poppler/pdfaction?l=de
> (PdfAction class and particularly its properties .PdfActionLaunch and 
> .PdfActionURI)

You can get the details in the poppler documentation:

Note that the component is not finished, there are a lot of poppler APIs 
to implement yet.


Benoît Minisini.

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