[Gambas-user] Docker image Gambas issue

Linus olivier.cruilles at yahoo.fr
Thu Feb 15 01:07:29 CET 2024

I agree with you regarding the fact the embedded Gambas web server is not made for production but unfortunately the fact to replace it, as solution, by a CGI is not good I think.

When you use CGI gambas script, as I already tried in the past, but you need to deal with HTML, javascript some time, depending what you need.
The magie of gb.web.gui is the fact you can develop an Web application almost you develop a desktop application. Of course it’s not so simple said like that but it is way far more confortable than just a CGI script.
Moreover, a ‘gb.web.gui' Web application add the interactive side between the Browser and the web application in back end and it’s really magic.

So I was really expecting the opinion of Benoit regarding that because for now this component is really under estimated but it is really powerful.


> Le 14 févr. 2024 à 11:32, Christof Thalhofer <chrisml at deganius.de> a écrit :
> Am 14.02.24 um 16:29 schrieb Linus via User:
>> Hello Benoit,
>> I'm currently trying to create a Docker image based on Ubuntu 20.10LTS + Gambas Daily packages.
>> The goal is to run into a Docker a Gambas Web application build with gb.web.gui
>> The creation of the Docker image is simple but I'm facing a big bug when running the Web App:
>> -> The Web App in Gambas start by consumming all the memory of my PC and it is killed by the system due to full memory consumption.
>> Can you help me on that because it could be very cool if it work into a Docker Image ?
> The Gambas web server is not for production but only good for debugging purposes. It sometimes hangs, produces memory leaks and then must be killed. I would not rely on it. For debugging it does a great, wonderful job and allows the programmer to step though the code when it is started from the IDE.
> I developed a website which is now powered by a Gambas app which acts as a CGI application. To let it run on my computer I created a docker image which contains an Apache webserver which calls the Gambas app itself via CGI.
> This is a good approach to using Gambas with a web server in a Docker image in a stable and reliable way.
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer
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