[Gambas-user] combobox scrolling

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 11:23:43 CEST 2023

> I have a funny feeling the following is happening....
> Scrolling scrolls a whole page but for example when scrolling the
> Properties list in the IDE a page is considered the whole height of the
> window.  not taking into account the visible control or help panels.
> I think this is my problem when scrolling through code.  if the console
> panel is visible the scroll goes too far as the console panel is not taken
> into account.  when the console window is hidden the it scrolls a page just
> fine. but if console is visible it scrolls too much.
> It's just a suspicion, i could be wrong.

You are 😁 wrong

Just the scroll move is a static value for all elements based on scrollarea

I have put a ticket on gambas bugtracker.

So now I'm waiting to Benoit answer.

> Respects
> BruceS
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
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