[Gambas-user] can gambas package itself?

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 17:50:15 CET 2022

On 11/13/22 07:53, Bruce Steers wrote:
> Is there a function/script anywhere that packages all of gambas into repository ready packages after compilation?
> I'm wondering if we can expand from just having the launchpad ppa method on ubuntu systems?
> So i could also create repo-packages for whatever system it is if it's possible.

Before you go about reinventing the wheel (unless of course you want to), you might take a look at a public service that already 
exists for community members to provide package repos for various distros:

For example, if you go to https://software.opensuse.org and search for "gambas3", you will find that there are 
community-provided package repos for Debian as well as openSUSE (although they appear to be outdated). I use the package 
provided by a repo maintained by user 'munix9' which is hosted at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:munix9/gambas3

It should just be a matter of creating a repo for the target distribution & version, and customizing the SPEC file for each 
package & for each target.


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