[Gambas-user] Program producing constant load

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 11:32:53 CEST 2022

Le 30/03/2022 à 10:54, Rolf-Werner Eilert a écrit :
> For my office use, I made a remake of my calendar program.
> Everything running fine so far, but today I saw that when I have the 
> program on the active screen, it produces a constant load of about 40 % 
> (the little faker on my desktop has 4 CPUs and Xosview says 1.3 with the 
> calendar visible).
> top says gbr3 is sucking CPU, but of course no more information.
> So my question is, how can I find out what is going on within my 
> program? Obviously, there is one event which is fired over and over again.
> Regards
> Rolf

gbx3 -t displays each ligne executed. It generates a lot of log in the 
terminal, but you can see what the program runs exactly.


Benoît Minisini

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