[Gambas-user] desktop mouse

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 21:09:29 CEST 2022

On Tue, 5 Apr 2022 at 17:37, Gianluigi <bagonergi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Il giorno mar 5 apr 2022 alle ore 18:19 bb <adamnt42 at gmail.com> ha
> scritto:
>> ...
>> OK might be out of date, but the original intent of wayland was to
>> remedy security holes in X...
>> LWN 2013
>> "Timothée divided up the discussion of security somewhat differently in
>> this part of the presentation, beginning by talking about the security
>> of input in Wayland/Weston. On this front, the new system is in good
>> shape. Because Weston knows where applications are on the screen, it is
>> able to decide which application should receive input events (this
>> differs from the X server). This defeats key logging applications.
>> Regarding integrity of input, the kernel limits access to the two main
>> sources (/dev/input and /dev/uinput) to the root user only. Because
>> Wayland/Weston does not (yet) support virtual keyboards it is not (yet)
>> possible to forge input. (The topic of virtual keyboards was revisited
>> later in the talk.) "
>> https://lwn.net/Articles/517375/
> I am admired that everyone who responded to Shane understood what he is
> trying to do.
> Unfortunately, I didn't understand, but I tried to create something as a
> basis for discussion.
> If Shane can get me to understand as well, maybe this discussion can
> continue.
> If Shane doesn't need to open links on the desktop then I've just wasted
> my time.
> If a user puts a launcher to a program on their desktop for what reason
> should only root open it?
> Regards
> Gianluigi

I understood , thanks for the admiration, i am rather awesome to be fair 😎

His message simply said he could mouse-move but wanted to mouse-click with
gambas. I didn't have to time for assumptions.

He replied privately to thank me for the xlib suggestion and said he would
give it a go.
I replied that the xdotool that Fabien pointed out from the discussion page
could be a far simpler solution but adding libraries and their functions in
gambas is worth figuring out as it can take your code to a whole new level.

I could only guess as to what he has done or what his intent was....  🤔

But suffice to say he did respond just not to the group. So hopefully he
figured it out.
if not I'm sure he'll be back to further the discussion :)

Well wishes all
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