[Gambas-user] How to create a plugin system for your Gambas project

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 23:13:16 CET 2021

I confirm, there is no obligation to write open source programs with
Gambas. Gambas is like a hammer and an anvil, What you do with it does
not concern us and fortunately !.

I choose to write free programs because I don't need them to live and
I like this spirit of exchanging knowledge and skills. It would be
quite different if I were in the situation of having to live from my

Benoit, for example, writes Gambas and his GPL IDE with the right hand
and produces a lot of other products for his customers who are in
right owners with the left.

And it's good like that :-)

I hate totalitarianism me!

Come on ... now you hug each other? :-D

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