[Gambas-user] Let me ask you a question about Git and GitLab

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at deganius.de
Mon Mar 9 09:39:07 CET 2020

Hello Gianluigi,

please quote only relevant things ... and not all ever happened.

Am 08.03.20 um 23:07 schrieb Gianluigi:

> sorry I'm late, but I did a thousand tests based on your suggestions
> These are the last commands given:
> ...
> $ git clone git at gitlab.com:GianluigiOr/gambas.git

Uh, I didn't know you are working with your own forked repo. This makes
it more complicated, and I doubt, that we could solve it by mail easily.
There are three repos involved, I believe:

upstream: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas.git
origin: https://gitlab.com/GianluigiOr/gambas
And the one on your computer.

Can you paste here the output of:

git status

And the content of .git/config in the Gambas directory on your computer.

> This is the current situation on my remote:
> https://gitlab.com/GianluigiOr/gambas/-/commits/65dd322acf1f6e66c4b4db6ebf7fda488a29c092

There are two branches:
italian-traslations and italian-translations

> I noticed that the italian-translations branch is no longer on origin

> This is the last gitk:
> https://paste.c-net.org/StubbornPhoebe

You are on italian-traslations (with missing "n"!).

Ok, please send the things I needed and then I will have a look at it.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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