[Gambas-user] Distributed version control with Git in the IDE

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 27 19:29:48 CET 2019

Le 27/10/2019 à 18:21, Hans Lehmann a écrit :
> Hello.
> In the menu of the IDE you will find the item 'Project> Put under 
> version control>With Git'. That's why I read the book Git - Distributed 
> version control for code and documents (http://gitbu.ch) - extensively 
> and followed the examples presented there. But it doesn't help me much, 
> because I can't find any documentation about *internal* version control 
> in the IDE. A shortcoming you come across again and again at Gambas - 
> and it just doesn't seem to bother the developers! Our new feature - 
> Your problem: Do something with it.
> Where is there documentation for *internal* version control in the IDE?
> What does the error message mean: Please enter the journal ?
> Why is the field in the project properties empty for version control?
> Yours sincerely
> Hans
> ----[ Gambas mailing-list is hosted by https://www.hostsharing.net ]----

I don't really understand your questions. The Gambas IDE offers a GUI 
interface that issued some git commands for you. All git commands 
executed by the IDE are, by default, printed in the console of the 
version control bottom tab (except the git commands that just read the 
state of files and do not modify anything).

You can entirely manage your project from the command-line.

So why a "Put under version control with GIT" menu entry? Because Gambas 
creates a ".gitignore" file for you that tells git which files of the 
project directory must be managed by git, and which must not (they are 
the file that are generated by the compiler).


Benoît Minisini

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