[Gambas-user] Debian and Devuan specific packages for gambas 3.11 ready to use

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Tue May 15 16:19:50 CEST 2018

2018-05-15 9:21 GMT-04:00 Sebastián Kulesz <sebikul at gmail.com>:

> I have maintained that repository for more than 5 years now, and is used
> by thousands of users (literally). An so far, no reports of problems from
> users for the latest Gambas release. In fact, I received several
> confirmations that they are working properly.
> If you found a bug, or a packaging issue in the PPA, please bring it up so
> that I can fix it. This is not a competition of who has the "best"
> packages.
> If you have no evidence or constructive arguments, please stop critizicing
> other people's work.
Hi sebastian! sorry for that, but seems report a bug again launchpad are a
pain.. i not have luck in years and yes i used in some ways your packages
but dependences are not well calculated for Debian specific.. as example
the pdf package are in conflict! that's due the poppler library are very
different api beetween debian releases and others

The  packages made by me are specific for Debian and Devuan.. as i can
search some Debian derivates cannot use your repositories due obviously

> Regards
>>    - *In Debian official qt4 will be removed, and that causes couple of
>>    issues on qt4.. *(please *take in consideration that many distros
>>    still uses qt4 and also qt4 are more light rather than qt5* in
>>    obviously reasons). The qt4 related coponents were yet removed in the bug
>>    issue https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=784465 that's
>>    not so bad but neither that's not so good, due many cannot switch to qt5
>>    due the resource usage on their machines.. by example the EMF10 canaimitas
>>    laptops.. this is an exclusionary policy for me.
>>    - *some modules has no proper transcition and no proper conflicts*,
>>    beetween gambas 3.1 to 3.5 there's transcition problems and beetween gambas
>>    3.5 to 3.8 there's another transcition conflicts that debian still yet not
>>    resolved (*take as example the gambas scripter package vs the
>>    gambas-script * debian official package), currentluy debian does not
>>    follow the Gambas packagin rules!
>>    - *the jit compiler will be disabled for future debian 9+*, this
>>    feature will be rejected by the debian mantainers due do not follow
>>    policies.. for more info i recomend to read that article:
>>    http://smart-cactus.org/~ben/posts/2014-11-28-state-of-llvm-
>>    backend.html
>>    <http://smart-cactus.org/%7Eben/posts/2014-11-28-state-of-llvm-backend.html>
>>    that explain the situation very clear
>>    - *bad calculated depens, redundant depends* take a shot: in debian
>>    official debian gambas-gb-db depend on gambas-gb-db-form and vice-versa!
>> I *have to concluded that the Debian official gambas package I's no so
>> usefully for the gambas community that uses Debian or Devuan as current
>> daily linux...*
>> so then i'll try from now distribute packages for Debian but not on each
>> release, only on each mayor changes release,
>> https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=home%3A
>> vegnuli%3Agambas&package=gambas3
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