[Gambas-user] using try when access devices shadow the errors

Jussi Lahtinen jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 20:57:49 CEST 2018

"The great silence" may just be due your completely unwarranted arrogance
towards others.


On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 9:12 PM, PICCORO McKAY Lenz <mckaygerhard at gmail.com>

> ah yeah, must be send to list, so then:
> > an exceptional product
> so it's a product or a hobby? we need a product i try to make a product
> from a product, i rmenber that someone said in old mail that does all of
> this for hobby.. well sorry someone here confusing this excelent peice of
> software with a product to make products!
> > Tobias never said Catch shadows the error
> i was my fault, i means that tobias said that try shadowns the error,
> seems you make same mistake like me, do not read the complete threath with
> caution...
> so i not critizing the wiki, but that are not pointed in wiki, i try to
> point that experts users will begin being novice users
> now mails have lot of examples, recomendations, expert people, puff, etc
> etc but in the begining a great silence was!
> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
> 2018-08-02 13:50 GMT-04:00 Tony Morehen <tmorehen at ajm-software.com>:
>> The wiki/documentation is perfectly clear about Try, Catch, and Finally.
>> Further, Tobias never said Catch shadows the error!
>> Try shadows the error, not Catch.  Catch is an error handler.  It behaves
>> as an error handler should ie the error is handled, no need to raise an
>> exception.
>> Here's the standard error process:
>> 1) Fill in the Error object
>> 2) Raise an exception
>> This is equivalent to On Error Goto 0
>> Error process with a Try at the start of statement
>> 1) Fill in Error object
>> 2) Resume at the statement following the Try
>> This is equivalent to:
>>     On Error Resume Next
>>     statement
>>     On Error Goto 0
>> Error process with a Catch block
>> 1) Fill in the Error object
>> 2) Resume at the statement following the Catch
>> This is equivalent to:
>>     On Error Goto Catch
>>     statements
>>     Return
>>    Catch
>>     error handling code
>>     Return
>> Error Process with Catch and Finally blocks
>> 1) Fill in the Error object
>> 2) Resume at the statement following the Catch
>> 3) Execute the Finally code.  Finally code is executed even if there is
>> no error.
>> This is equivalent to:
>>     On Error Goto Catch
>>     statements
>>     Goto Finally
>>    Catch
>>     error handling code
>>     Goto Finally
>>    Finally
>>     code that is always executed
>> A final word of caution  Criticizing the wiki as bluntly as you do,
>> particularly when that criticism is unwarranted, is likely to irritate the
>> people that provide us such an exceptional product.  Try framing this sort
>> of criticism as a question, such as "Do we need to add something to the
>> wiki to make this explicit and avoid confusing novices?"
>> On 2018-08-02 12:04 PM, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
>>> i cited that wiki does not say that error are shadowed by the catch! its
>>> very important information for novices, taking in consideratino the
>>> languaje barrier
>>> seems we need more vision here!
>>> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
>>> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
>>> 2018-08-02 11:56 GMT-04:00 Jussi Lahtinen <jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com>>:
>>>         well i comming from java and C and its common ofr us use
>>>         try/cacht as duple
>>>     Incorrect. There is no try/catch in C.
>>>     Jussi
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