[Gambas-user] using try when access devices shadow the errors
mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 21:13:44 CEST 2018
i'm glad tobias answer me!
also noted after that, many others do it!
but as noted without the second "unwarranted arrogance" mail.. maybe never
will happened!
Was it really necessary to send a second email with a warm tone so that
they could answer me?
We must all improve, not only I believe! AND i read carefully that second
mail, it's not so "arrogance" as you pointed!
be easy! men!
Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
2018-08-02 14:57 GMT-04:00 Jussi Lahtinen <jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com>:
> "The great silence" may just be due your completely unwarranted arrogance
> towards others.
> Jussi
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 9:12 PM, PICCORO McKAY Lenz <mckaygerhard at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> ah yeah, must be send to list, so then:
>> > an exceptional product
>> so it's a product or a hobby? we need a product i try to make a product
>> from a product, i rmenber that someone said in old mail that does all of
>> this for hobby.. well sorry someone here confusing this excelent peice of
>> software with a product to make products!
>> > Tobias never said Catch shadows the error
>> i was my fault, i means that tobias said that try shadowns the error,
>> seems you make same mistake like me, do not read the complete threath with
>> caution...
>> so i not critizing the wiki, but that are not pointed in wiki, i try to
>> point that experts users will begin being novice users
>> now mails have lot of examples, recomendations, expert people, puff, etc
>> etc but in the begining a great silence was!
>> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
>> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
>> 2018-08-02 13:50 GMT-04:00 Tony Morehen <tmorehen at ajm-software.com>:
>>> The wiki/documentation is perfectly clear about Try, Catch, and
>>> Finally. Further, Tobias never said Catch shadows the error!
>>> Try shadows the error, not Catch. Catch is an error handler. It
>>> behaves as an error handler should ie the error is handled, no need to
>>> raise an exception.
>>> Here's the standard error process:
>>> 1) Fill in the Error object
>>> 2) Raise an exception
>>> This is equivalent to On Error Goto 0
>>> Error process with a Try at the start of statement
>>> 1) Fill in Error object
>>> 2) Resume at the statement following the Try
>>> This is equivalent to:
>>> On Error Resume Next
>>> statement
>>> On Error Goto 0
>>> Error process with a Catch block
>>> 1) Fill in the Error object
>>> 2) Resume at the statement following the Catch
>>> This is equivalent to:
>>> On Error Goto Catch
>>> statements
>>> Return
>>> Catch
>>> error handling code
>>> Return
>>> Error Process with Catch and Finally blocks
>>> 1) Fill in the Error object
>>> 2) Resume at the statement following the Catch
>>> 3) Execute the Finally code. Finally code is executed even if there is
>>> no error.
>>> This is equivalent to:
>>> On Error Goto Catch
>>> statements
>>> Goto Finally
>>> Catch
>>> error handling code
>>> Goto Finally
>>> Finally
>>> code that is always executed
>>> A final word of caution Criticizing the wiki as bluntly as you do,
>>> particularly when that criticism is unwarranted, is likely to irritate the
>>> people that provide us such an exceptional product. Try framing this sort
>>> of criticism as a question, such as "Do we need to add something to the
>>> wiki to make this explicit and avoid confusing novices?"
>>> On 2018-08-02 12:04 PM, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
>>>> i cited that wiki does not say that error are shadowed by the catch!
>>>> its very important information for novices, taking in consideratino the
>>>> languaje barrier
>>>> seems we need more vision here!
>>>> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
>>>> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
>>>> 2018-08-02 11:56 GMT-04:00 Jussi Lahtinen <jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com>>:
>>>> well i comming from java and C and its common ofr us use
>>>> try/cacht as duple
>>>> Incorrect. There is no try/catch in C.
>>>> Jussi
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