[Gambas-user] configure and use gambas web programs

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Wed Mar 15 19:10:06 CET 2017

hi adrian, i can see based on the "extract" that the link in connection
users in gqambas forge  are a rewrite rule?

<a id="inscription" href="inscription.html" rel="nofollow">Pas de compte ?

but if are a rewrite, what parameters i must parse to the cgi to activate?

and the workflow its quite close to your's have in mind in that moment,
very hard to follow by me.. without a very great explications

2017-03-13 17:23 GMT-04:00 Adrien Prokopowicz <adrien.prokopowicz at ...626...>

>         #forge
>         RewriteRule   ^forge\.html$ main.gambas.cgi?section=forge [QSA]
>         RewriteRule   ^mail\.html$ main.gambas.cgi?section=forge&action=sendmail
> [QSA]
>         RewriteRule   ^categorie\-([0-9]+)(?:\-[a-z
> 0-9\-]+)?(?:\-page\-([0-9]+))\.html$ main.gambas.cgi?action=categor
> ie&section=forge&id=$1&numpage=1 [QSA]
>         RewriteRule   ^code\-([0-9]+)-ajoutercommen
> taire(?:\-[a-z0-9\-]+)?\.html$  main.gambas.cgi?section=forge&action=addcomment&id=$1
> [QSA]

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