[Gambas-user] configure and use gambas web programs

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Mon Mar 13 22:42:43 CET 2017

thanks adrian thanks fabian.. ahhh i can see the trick! that's why the
installer script rename the compiled app and added and extension ".cgi"
right? of course, thanks for the hint! how stupid i feel jajaja now i can
understand benoit was talking about!

so in general, make a gambas program that generate html code, compile and
make a trick to that compiled programs acts as "cgi exec" and then invoke
from webserver path.. in this case, the trick was only interpretation of
any extension "cgi" in the site definition of apache... that's in few

rewrite rules dont care! thanks in any case.. the conf file carified my way
with your words and sein the installe script.. but hey i'll ask more later..

about fabian, i write private and try to help.. due cos i like (as i does
with php and codeigniter) easy made apps for gain path agains guindo apps
in enterprise..

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-03-13 17:23 GMT-04:00 Adrien Prokopowicz <adrien.prokopowicz at ...626...>

> Le Mon, 13 Mar 2017 17:06:44 +0100, PICCORO McKAY Lenz <
> mckaygerhard at ...626...> a écrit:
> 2017-03-13 11:36 GMT-04:00 Benoît Minisini <gambas at ...1...>:
>> Configuring the execution of a CGI script has nothing to do with Gambas,
>>> it's purely a specific web server configuration thing.
>>> again in same place, starting from zero! and reading the cgi principes!
>> arrrgggg!
>> does any body know how to configure the gambasforge[1] project in
>> webserver?
>> [1] http://www.gambasforge.org/forge.html
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> Here is an extract of the Apache configuration for the GambasForge website.
> It's a bit messy (We were young :) ), but the important parts are the
> "ExecCGI" options, as well as the "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" extra file
> handlers.
> Currently, this configuration only enables the use of the CGI scripts, and
> then we use an .htaccess file with a whole bunch of RewriteRules, so we
> have pretty URLs (such as /forge.html) to point to the main.gambas.cgi
> executable. Here is an extract :
>         #forge
>         RewriteRule   ^forge\.html$ main.gambas.cgi?section=forge [QSA]
>         RewriteRule   ^mail\.html$ main.gambas.cgi?section=forge&action=sendmail
> [QSA]
>         RewriteRule   ^categorie\-([0-9]+)(?:\-[a-z
> 0-9\-]+)?(?:\-page\-([0-9]+))\.html$ main.gambas.cgi?action=categor
> ie&section=forge&id=$1&numpage=1 [QSA]
>         RewriteRule   ^code\-([0-9]+)-ajoutercommen
> taire(?:\-[a-z0-9\-]+)?\.html$  main.gambas.cgi?section=forge&action=addcomment&id=$1
> [QSA]
> And then, you can check the section and action parameters in your
> application to show the right page. :)
> Hope that answers some of your questions. :)
> Regards,
> --
> Adrien Prokopowicz
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