[Gambas-user] Two suggestions about TabPanel + 2 more

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Sat Jan 18 23:01:51 CET 2014

On Sat, 2014-01-18 at 17:19 +0100, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> The move left/right arrows must be at the left, because when we are
> changing doc from code to form.
> the arrow place position depend of the presence of right property panel.
> I think the tabs need to have all the same size if the close button is
> used. It ca be the size of the longest one. so when clicking on the
> close button colosing can be done recursively without moving the
> mouse.
> One thing funny can be a resisign on the first tab closed with a timer
> of  2 or 3 sec. so durring this time all the tabs at the right of the
> current tab have the same size than the current tab. And retreive
> theire size after the Last click + delay.

I don't understand your first one but agree with the second.

Two more though.

3) You cannot set accelerator keys for TabPanel tab titles like you can
for TabStrips

4) Mousewheel scrolling through TabPanel tabs only works when the
TabPanel itself has the focus. (TabStrip scrolling happens when the
mouse is over the tabstrip tab area, i.e. it doesn't need to have focus.
This is really handy.)


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