[Gambas-user] A little article on Gambas on Phoronix

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at ...626...
Tue Nov 26 21:52:12 CET 2013


2013/11/26 Tom <tom at ...3139...>:
> I agree!  Well said...
> On 11/26/2013 2:10 PM, Randall Morgan wrote:
>> Ok, I'll give my two cents worth...
>> BASIC has gotten a bad wrap and it is now vogue to knock BASIC. The
>> statement someone made in the article comments, something to the fact that
>> "Anyone who has been exposed to BASIC cannot be a good programmer" is crap.
>> BASIC was the first language for many GREAT programmers. In fact, anyone
>> over 45 probably has some BASIC experience. BASIC was a great go-to (no pun
>> intended) language for quick jobs that didn't require direct memory access
>> for many years.
>> BASIC was replaced by Pascal and C eventually took over Pascal in
>> production areas. At first C was considered to difficult to teach new
>> programmers. But as time marched forward C gained features and (mostly)
>> instructors began to find ways to convey C's constructs in an way that was
>> understandable to new programmers. Then Java came along and replaced C as a
>> learning language.
>> The fact is, many people STILL see BASIC as the old BASIC-A or Dartmouth
>> BASIC or they simply repeat what someone they respect says about the
>> language. The truth is, until they take the time to actually write several
>> apps in the newer variants of BASIC, they have no grounds for their
>> comments.
>> My belief is that there is a place for just about any programming language.
>> I hate FORTRAN but for scientific apps it still holds it own. As archaic as
>> ADA can be, if I am writing code for the something life depends upon, I'd
>> still use it. If I want to knock out an app quickly that does not require a
>> lot of complicated coding then BASIC is as good as it has always been and
>> then some!
>> A smart developer puts many tools in his belt. He learns like a craftsman
>> that there is a place for each tool in his toolbox. So he'll use some all
>> the time because they fit his needs and his style, other's he'll rarely use
>> because they make his job more complex most of the time, or don't fit the
>> type of jobs he usually does.  But when needed, they provide capabilities
>> that the other tools don't.
>> I remember a time when PHP and Python were both considered by many to be
>> "toy" scripting languages and "real" developers didn't use scripting
>> languages. A real programmer only used compiled languages. PHP now has a
>> large hold on the the WEB and Python has grown into it's own and is
>> becoming a great general purpose language.
>> If Gambas did not solve some problem(s) for a class of developer, it
>> wouldn't exist. Just as Fortran, Prolog, Pascal, and ADA would die if they
>> didn't solve some issue for the people who use them. Just because one
>> person or a few people can't see the benefits may only mean they don't work
>> in an environment that would benefit from that particular language.
>> I can count on one hand the number of professional apps I've written with
>> VB. But that doesn't make VB a bad language (it does have it's
>> particularities. But, then doesn't every language?). I've written more apps
>> in Gambas but only because it fits my needs now. I wrote many apps in
>> GWBASIC, BASIC-A, Forth, Fortran, Prolog, COBOL, and even many in
>> Assembler. Just as I return to BASIC when that tool fits my task well, I
>> would return to Assembler (and do) when speed or size is an issue.
>> Those who declare BASIC a toy language have failed to grow up with the
>> language. They should also declare C a dead language and declare Java or
>> C++ it's successor. But the truth is, C is still preferred over C++ in many
>> instances. So let the naysayers have their moment to demonstrate their lack
>> of breath of experience and those of us who know a good thing when we see
>> it will continue to be productive with what ever tool best fits our task
>> and style. And, remember, these naysayers are the same guys declaring their
>> language is the only "real" tool for all problems. They'd use a sledge
>> hammer to drive a thumbtack in the wall.
>> Just my two cents ;-)
>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Charlie Reinl <Karl.Reinl at ...9...>wrote:
>>> Am Dienstag, den 26.11.2013, 17:42 +0100 schrieb Fabien Bodard:
>>>> The first Unity conf app "MyUnity" was done with Gambas.... but noOne
>>>> knows because there 're end users :-)
>>> Salut,
>>> just google 'MyUnity gambas'
>>> --
>>> Amicalement
>>> Charlie
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Fabien Bodard

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