[Gambas-user] Gambas Future: shift away from Linux?

François Gallo basic.gambas at ...626...
Mon Nov 4 12:38:25 CET 2013

I agree with you but, if i want to see Gambas on others OS
is because i've friends who would be to run my software
without have to install any linux distributions.

I don't care to have a lot of users from Windows or OS X
who use Gambas :-) . This is not my goal.
My goal is just to be able to run Gambas applications
without imposing choices.

furthermore, on OS X like Windows,
there is no good BASIC programming language.

either BASIC's are not free, or don't have good tools
and a good logic into BASIC syntax as Gambas.

Le 04/11/2013 11:12, wig a écrit :
> I will be one of the first to use the possibility to let users run some gambas
> app on OSX (not to work on it myself).
> But if I really have to, I can run in a VM, so I wouldn't ask someone/B. to
> spent time on it at the cost of the own advances of Gambas on Linux.
> We have a nice platform: Linux.
> We have the best desktop, and we even have choice.
> And for some years, we have a great Development Environment: Gambas.
> Every minute has 60 seconds, so I prefer Benoit and all the rest of us to
> spent this time on improving these nice things that we have.*
> The License is clear.  People that want to do so can do whatever they want if
> they follow the license.
> The 'lock down' is rather a 'lock open'.
> So just keep on doing the nice job as long as you can.
> I don't think Linus made the wrong choice, and I don't think either that he
> would try to be more ... (wathever else).
> Wim Geraets
> --
> * have=create together.  not: bought, not: get for free but loose our privacy,
> freedom, or whatever the free web-services cost us.
> On Friday 01 November 2013 11:15:18 Fabien Bodard wrote:
>> After long talk with many gambas developpers, after years of joy on the use
>> of this language, I want to talk about its future... its persistance.
>> Benoit for me is a little bit like our Linus. He have done something for
>> itself and it's today one of the better tool ever see. (Umm ... ;-))
>> Now, for me one thing lock down Gambas... why can't it be more known ?
>> Because it is close to Linux world. Theire is no possibility to use it
>> natively on other system ... this problem what explicitely exposed by RMS
>> in the past in a mail sended to us. Yes in his request he wanted us to make
>> the interpreter generate a cil code for interpreter like java/.net or
>> parrot. Well today we know java isn't a sure way, and we can do things too
>> without.
>> I have a request to Benoit, and i know it's time is precious and like mine
>> rare. I want him to concentrate on make it's code portable... separate
>> specific linux part to allow all our friend that want to help to port
>> gambas to stars to make theire job.
>> By doing this, most people can participate on compiler/interpreter code, by
>> having Gambas on other system we can have more component maker/maintainer.
>> At the end Benoit can take hollidays and come take a Cognac at home .   :-)
>> I know this is a huge job as he/we need to take the time to mark all part
>> of the code that is hard linked on Linux system, and then choose a way to
>> separate it to symplify the maintainment
>> Same thing for the toolkits but it's at a first time not the subject of
>> today.
>> Now we have hands that can help... but it can't be done if the code is not
>> structured for.
>> So for the Undred time ... Benoit ... Please, let us helping you.
>> To all, the gambas user/dev, this exchange is for you so even if it take
>> thouthen of mail, please give us your impress and your ideas, your support.
>> Please, don't look at the spelling fault, it will take to many time to you
>>    ;-)
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François Gallo

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