[Gambas-user] GAMBAS rules! (And a couple of questions about listboxes and control "arrays")

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Fri Jan 1 09:52:58 CET 2010

Bill Richman ha scritto:
>> #3) My ListBoxes roll smoothly up and down from one list item to
>> another, like movie credits rolling by, and it's really slow.  If I were
>> the user, this would make me crazy.  Is there a way to get them to "jump
>> scroll" instead of "smooth scroll"?  :-$
>> ?????
>> i think this not depend on Gambas but on qt or gtk
> How do I determine this?  
Forgot to answer to the last question.

Gambas can use both GTK and QT without changing a single line of code. 
Open the project properties window, at the tab Components. There you can 
choose to use gb.gtk or gb.qt. QT works better and faster; GTK is nicer 
and totally free, but lacks a few things and has some glitch. Given that 
it is so simple to switch from one to another, try both. There is also 
the switcher component, which chooses automatically QT or GTK, to have 
some fun.


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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