[Gambas-user] problem with alignmet & position in GB3(qt)

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...626...
Tue Apr 6 11:54:50 CEST 2010

On 6 April 2010 18:55, kobolds <kobolds at ...2041...> wrote:
> I couldn't find the option snap to grid in GB3 but I try on/off the toggle
> grid . same result .
> problem align same height and same width.
> 1. i create a form and drop 3 buttons
> 2. change the  button1  only widthxheight to 80x100
> 3. select the rest button and do align same height and same width
> 4. after that button1  become 84x98 , button2 become 84x98 , button3 become
> 84x98
> this is wrong . all the button should become 80x100
> problem with align button
> 1. create form and drag 3 buttons
> 2. set button1 x-position to 200
> 3. select the rest of buttons . do alignt to bottom
> 4. all buttons  x-position become 203 .
> this is wrong . all button x-position suppose to be 200

I followed those instructions and reproduced the problem.

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