[Gambas-user] make Label background from Database field

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Mon Oct 19 10:34:33 CEST 2009

Kad Mann ha scritto:
> On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 14:00 +0200, Doriano Blengino wrote:
>> Kad Mann ha scritto:
>>> On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 10:47 +0200, Doriano Blengino wrote:
>>>> Kad Mann ha scritto:
>>>>> On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 09:08 +0200, Doriano Blengino wrote:
>>>>>> Kad Mann ha scritto:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 22:46 +0300, Vassilis K wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dimitri I don't understand
>>>>>>> Why don't you take a look at the database example in Gambas?
>>>>>>> After creating the test table, if you type in an SQL command and click
>>>>>>> the run button, you will see a gridview with a myriad colours that can
>>>>>>> be changed based on the data. Surely something like that has to be
>>>>>>> easier than trying to work out how to manage a hundred labels on a
>>>>>>> screen, and surely it will offer you much better and easier control of
>>>>>>> future UI changes, and surely it will offer a more pleasing and
>>>>>>> intuitive presentation to your user.
>>>>>> "Surely something like that has to be easier" and "surely much better 
>>>>>> and easier control".
>>>>>> Yes and no
>>>>> I didn't ask you.
>>>> True, and neither Vassilis asked you something... you can't understand 
>>>> him, but I can understand you. In one of your last mail you noticed that 
>>>> data controls don't have all the properties as other textboxes, such 
>>>> alignment and so on. Be prepared for other surprises. Everybody would 
>>>> love to have controls with lots of properties in order to do everything 
>>>> you want, but this is impossible (can you believe it? Once you have put 
>>>> 100 properties in a control, you will find someone asking for the #101). 
>>> Of course, the point is, I didn't ask for the features. Did I? I asked
>>> is the limitation by design, are there plans to change it, and is there
>>> a workaround.
>> You are very precise... so I will do too. I didn't say *you* asked for 
>> features (did I?). Nevertheless you was talking about features...
> Then why did you bring up my question in the first place?about it
Because it was in-topic and because it seemed to me that you did'nt get 
the original intentions. And about features, you did'nt ask for them, 
and I did'nt say you asked for them. But to be aware of a limitation is 
halfway to ask for those limitations to be removed - unless you say that 
limitations are a good thing.
>>> Besides, do you feel it is unreasonable for someone to want "a box used
>>> to show the contents of a Field or edit it", a data-bound control
>>> intended to save programming time, to have similar functionality to a
>>> TextBox?
>> No.
>>>> Real programmers prefer to do things their way, with few versatile 
>>>> mechanisms.
>>> So, who do you believe might not be a real programmer?
>> Are you expecting I say "you"? No. I don't know who you are, and even if 
>> I don't agree with you, I can not say you are not a real programmer.
> Are outright insults like that permitted on a mailing list like this
> one?
>> Hey guy, keep it cool.
> Yet you had to resort to insults.
I did'nt insult anyone in this list - never. Even taking my words the 
worst possible way, at the point where I expressed a judgment on your 
ideas (just *some* of your ideas), I did not judged you - this is why I 
don't believe I had insulted you.
Anyway, if you feel insulted, let me say it was not my intention. I 
would feel very stupid by insulting someone I not even know, just basing 
on a few 'technical' words he could had say. I hope we will have further 
occasions to understand each other, if you want.


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