[Gambas-user] write to folder in windows network
Doriano Blengino
doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Fri Oct 9 20:13:26 CEST 2009
Dimitris Anogiatis ha scritto:
> Doriano,
> With all due respect, some people are in the process of relearning key
> concepts that they are used to take
> for granted in Windows. To them Linux is still uncharted territory and since
> this mailing list is so helpful it's
> easy to veer of a tad bit off subject... I've seen workarounds involving
> external Linux commands being offered
> all the time instead of native Gambas code, so to my point of view (and If I
> am wrong please correct me)
> a simple pointer to a page containing a workaround to that question, or a
> simple "Sorry my friend I don't know how
> to help you with this" will suffice.
> I mean think about the replies to the call from Benoit about the compilation
> error shell script; that wasn't
> Gambas specific yet people volunteered to help... why is this any different?
Far from me to be angry or whatever; and you are right - I agree that
this list can help people moving into linux and gambas (not necessarily
mentioned in this order).
But, on the other hand, someone should also point out what I pointed
out. I am willing to help everybody, so I read messages and decide if I
am able to reply or not and, even if able, I ask myself whether someone
else in this list can give better responses. I think that all the other
people does so. Sometimes I read messages which leave me uncertain; I
leave them a little time to see if someone else replies: if not, I reply
Clarified this (you can agree or criticize this method, ok): I readed
the message from Bill Lancaster; I decided that I was not able to reply.
Then I asked myself if someone else could reply, and thought "no",
because there were not enough informations, so I replied thinking that
nobody could have replied better than me. Or, perhaps, many persons
would have replied "Sorry, I don't know". So I told that guy what I
considered right: "tell us more, read documentation, this is a gambas
list so people, I suppose, wants to speak about gambas and not samba".
I mean - I have been a little rough, I know, but nevertheless I told him
what to do. Or are you able to help him better? About to pointing out
that I can't understand him - you do? Do you start to write a network
application in gambas without knowing what network is? And about
windows, do you know how to browse the network from a visual basic
application? No? And when you know it, do you test the application by
browsing the network with filemanager and comparing results? I think
yes. May be that by telling him to read about linux, I helped him more
than telling him "I don't know".
To conclude, and excuse me for this long mail. There were too much
things wrong in that message, for me. Anyway, I didn't insult him; I
tried to say to him what I would have done in his shoes, and pointed out
that that form of messages would be better to be avoided. Pardon me (you
and Bill) for this, but if in case, I would do the same.
Regards, and happy "Microsoft Windows Network" browsing... :-)
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