[Gambas-user] This list

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Wed Sep 24 10:46:35 CEST 2008

Kari Laine schrieb:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Brittany Dunlap <goofybritt at ...626...>wrote:
>> I am wondering if my message went missing also. It was the first time I
>> posted to the group and I have yet to receive a response. Everyone else
>> seems to be getting answers.
>> Good luck,
>> Brittany
>> Hi Brittany,
> I think Gmail have something to do with it. Both of my messages which went
> missing was sent by my Gmail account. You also seem to use Gmail. So
> SourceForge might not like Gmail...
> Also now I gather that I can answer already started threads with Gmail. But
> if I start discussion with Gmail there is a risk that it goes missing.
> So if you have another email-account try with that. Let me know if you
> problem continues. You can reach me at
> klaine8 at ...626...  or  kari.laine at ...1400...
> I try to search Google (or should I use MSSearch :-)) whether there is that
> kind of problems reported.
> Best Regards
> Kari Laine


Maybe you're sending your emails from one account and request answers to 
the other one? This would be one reason for a spam filter to sort out 
your mails.

At least I had this here once before I learned how to adjust my 
Thunderbird to the right "answer to" and "sender" addresses for the 
mailing lists.

Just an idea...


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