[Gambas-user] Hello and questions

Rolf Schmidt rolf.frogs at ...221...
Fri Mar 7 12:54:16 CET 2008


> > 5. The first thing that I did after installing Gambas was to
> > try to run
> > the samples. None of them would compile. I eventually figured
> > out that
> > it was because I was running Gambas as a normal user. When I
> > ran as root
> > the samples ran well and were impressive. My suspicion is that Gambas
> > needs to write the compiled file(s) somewhere and my normal user
> > couldn't write to that location. It seems this location must be the
> > project folder which is /usr/share/gambas2/examples/ for me.
> > Is there a
> > way to tell Gambas to write the compiled files to another
> > location (like
> > the temp folder) when running a read only project.
> This does not appear to be a Gambas problem. If you compile Gambas then
> the examples are compiled at install time. So they work.
> However I have seen this problem on Linux distro's like Fedora and
> Ubuntu. This happens when you install Gambas through their package
> manager. These package managers to not set the correct permissions for
> the examples.
> If you are the only person using the machine it would be better to set
> the owner and group of the examples to yourself. Its better to use root
> as little as possible. Or copy the examples to somewhere in your home
> directory. (You also get the advantage they are not read only, so you
> can play with the code.)
To make the examples working, just copy them to your home directory and open 
them in gambas. So the examples keep unchanged for other users as well or 
another try.

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