[Gambas-user] Marketing

Peter Russell pete992000 at ...1683...
Wed Nov 28 19:29:04 CET 2007

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 18:08 +0100, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> On mercredi 28 novembre 2007, Werner wrote:

> English is not my language, so I am not aware of all the meaning hidden behind 
> words and expressions.
> "Gambas almost means BASIC" is just a recursive acronym, it does not aim at 
> meaning actually anything. Anyway, "almost means" should not mean the same 
> thing as "almost is" as you wrote.

I wish my Kreol was a fraction as good as your english. I must admit as
another post already said, I thought the site heading and the name was
fine and quite unique. 

Regards Pete

PS Just installed the latest development version after a break of over a
year. I'm amazed at how much there has been done. It looks great, I'll
really enjoy getting back into this.

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