[Gambas-user] need a help with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Charlie Reinl
Karl.Reinl at ...9...
Wed Jan 24 23:32:18 CET 2007
Am Mittwoch, den 24.01.2007, 22:14 +0100 schrieb José Luis Redrejo:
> Hi Charlie,
> latest gambas2 packages for Debian are available as explained at
> http://gambas.sourceforge.net/download.html in the Debian section. And,
> quite often they are also available in Debian sid. Currently, version
> 1.9.47is ready , and
> 1.9.46 is in Debian sid.
> As a Debian derivative, Ubuntu usually accepts in its sources.list Debian
> unstable repositories. You can check if there is no dependencies problems in
> your Ubuntu. Ubuntu folks have the bad habit of forking some of the main
> libraries, and if those libraries cause dependency problems, you'll have to
> recompile the debianized sources available also in the same places as
> binaries.
So I think I'll do the svn way.
> Compiling a debianized source is almost a trivial task for a medium user, so
> if you need help, just ask me in this list.
Yes , please help me.
I will install the trunk say at /opt/gambas/2/gambas-svn/
Normaly on my gentoo box, I use a script which makes
cd into gambas-svn
svn update
and make as normal user
for install I use "su -c 'make install'"
all commands are written to a log-file like > "<name>.log 2>&1"
What will be different on Debianbased systems?
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