[Gambas-user] Error compiling 1.9.24

Charlie Reinl na2492 at ...9...
Wed Feb 8 22:43:36 CET 2006


if you want to try an update, i can give you that.

look at the attached mvGentoo.sh

The tar command I found once at SuSe-help. 
With that I moved and move linux installations from reiserfs to ext3 , 
from bad looking disk to new once, 
and this way I use to backup my Systems. 
Ok that needs disk space, but with a well written grub, a disk crash,
makes you loos a day or less if you cron works not only at start time.

A reboot to your backup, and work continues.
For a 40 GB Installation it took about 18 min.
So you can test your updates.

To say: the log is not important, but took huge space. When moving
installations, I start the box with a Knoppix.

The backups, I never needed, to replay them back , but used to reuse
Files lost or after bad changes.


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