[Gambas-user] Show stopper

Scott sclewin at ...1126...
Wed Oct 19 20:38:27 CEST 2005

Sadly enough,

    it seems that any Gambas after the v1.0.3 is not compatible with 
Ubuntu or Kubuntu v5.10.  I started checking to see what dependencies 
where missing from the Linex repository, so I could find them myself, 
and found out that to install some of them I would need to uninstall my 
desktop.  I had version 1.9.20 running on my computer when I have v5.04 
of Ubuntu & KUbuntu, so it is good with that version, but not with the 
newer version.

    This is very sad as I liked Gambas and now I am going to need to 
learn a new programming language.

Your friend,


"No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something"

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