[Gambas-user] PrettyPrinter-0.3.2 for use in IDE

Charlie karl.reinl at ...9...
Thu Oct 28 21:11:19 CEST 2004

ron schrieb:

>On Thursday 28 October 2004 00:55, Charlie Reinl wrote:
>>>Hi Charlie 
>>>I don't think there are must to merge PrettyPrinter do it all. There are 
>>>a small problem with it - it add at line each time you run it.  
>>If you  talk about the last line, I added because so it is easier to paste 
>>something.  It was also Ron's idea. 
>>If it is realy each time its a bug, normaly it shouldn'T if last line is empty.
>>>I will try alter  my CPrintSource sow it can print a line at procs. 
>>>(with an option in the print tab) like the editor. 
>> Charlie
>Hi Charlie,
>I have install this 0.3.2 version and oh oh what nice.
>The extra line is added if the option for the empty 
>line between procedures is OFF ?
Tell me all your settings ? And if you can send me the source you use , 
would be helpfull.

>A second cosmethic failure. If option 'tab' instead 'space' is 
>chosen the tab char. is a space when indent DIM is on?
Proportional or non proportional font ?

Sorry can't find it out ?
Have to look if there are a differents between my Testing Project and 
the included in the IDE !

And that PP-0.3.2 was for gambas-0.99 , have to have look what does the 
The Testing Project ran well on RC1.

>I was giving XML a try but my health is still a problem to.
>Just had a attack by updating KDE to my mind :+)
>I have got doctor permission to go to Tenerife on Canarian 
>Islands again, the 6x time. Yummy 6 weeks are planned from December.
>---------------snip ---------------
Happy you, and greets to your doc  ;-)


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