[Gambas-user] Installing on Debian/Knoppix 3.4

locke demosthenes vbd950 at ...43...
Mon May 17 03:52:31 CEST 2004

I installed Knoppix 3.4 to my hard drive, which is a
really fast way to get a full debian unstable install
on your hard drive in under half an hour (no setting
up packages and such).  I then proceeded to compile
gambas.  under make, it would halt part way through
when trying to execute "moc".  I later found moc in
/usr/share/qt3/bin.  After copying this to /usr/bin,
the make worked great.  I e-mailed the author, but I'm
just wondering, where is the best place to post this,
and does it effect normal Debian installs?  If it
effects other Debian installs, it might be a good idea
to update the script to check both locations.

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