[Gambas-user] gambas 0.90

Daniel Oxley oxleyd at ...364...
Fri Feb 27 09:05:22 CET 2004

>I won't include any change like MDI before the 1.0. 
If ever MDI commes, PLEASE do it like Microsoft and let the user the choice
use MDI or SDI 
I HATE MDI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
And had you ever used/had an MDI on a box which uses two or more screens ? 
I disagree.  Ever used Deplhi 7?  The way that opens on the screen is
dreadful.  The screen is clutter up with so many individual windows that it
makes you lose sense of what you are looking at.  With VB, it was all
contain in one easy to use window.
I always use VB on a dual-head PC without any problems.  If you maximise to
full screen you can reposition the internal windows easily and if you have
the app floating, it is just as easy.  The ultimate solution would be a
choice.  An MDI or not an MDI!  It just makes it so much easier.
I like the sound of the suggestion made for having a 'tabbed interface'.  As
long as it retained the qualities of an MDI.  I guess that this would be
similar to tabbed browsing?  Or the tabbed IDE in Visual Studio .NET???

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