[Gambas-user] TomySql

Charlie karl.reinl at ...9...
Thu May 15 22:28:05 CEST 2003

To whom it my concern.

I remarked it only today.
The TomySql don't work anymore in the IDE since gambas-0.55.
EXEC needs an array now.

see ChangeLog at gambas-0.55.


* The EXEC instruction has been replaced by two instructions: EXEC and SHELL.

  SHELL works like the old EXEC, by calling "/bin/sh" in the background.

  EXEC runs the specified process directly, and takes all its arguments in
  a string array.


    EXEC [ "/usr/bin/ls", "-la" ] WAIT

To make it working again replace all EXEC (do Ctrl+F / Project/ Word 
only / Replace all in the IDE) with SHELL.

As soon, as possible I will post a working TomySql to


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