[Gambas-devel] Problems compiling Gambas for ARM Linux

Andrew Barr andrew.james.barr at ...176...
Fri Jun 6 23:07:22 CEST 2008

On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 12:33 +0200, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> The error message seems clear: you have encountered a bug in gcc, and it asks 
> you to submit a bug report!

I did some further investigation, and this appears to be happening
because an x86_64 version of the software is available in the build
system, but the ARM version is not. I'm not entirely clear on what the
problem is but it does appear to be triggered by missing dependencies.

The internal compiler error message is because the toolchain is
specially patched with OpenEmbedded/Angstrom QA checks, one of which is
no /usr/include in includepaths. From what I understand of OE mailing
list messages, removing insane.bbclass (QA checks) from my build and
rebuilding the toolchain should eliminate the CROSS COMPILE badness

It is no matter, because I have a new problem. Working around the CC
badness messages by disabling components missing dependencies, I have
built a partial install of Gambas for ARM, but the install phase fails
when generating the component information files, because the build
system tries to run gbi2, which is an ARM Linux binary, on x86_64. I am
not sure how to fix this problem other than to use QEMU or some more
elegant solution like Scratchbox. I think that QEMU can be configured,
along with the binfmt_misc feature of the Linux kernel, to automatically
run when binaries for other CPUs are executed, so maybe that is worth

I don't think there's any problem with the Gambas build system at this
point, I am just writing this up in case someone else tries this.
Hopefully I will have a Gambas runtime for embedded Linux soon, because
I would like to be able to run my Gambas apps on my handheld

Andrew Barr
andrew.james.barr at ...176...

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