[Gambas-devel] Problems compiling Gambas for ARM Linux

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Fri Jun 6 12:33:47 CEST 2008

On jeudi 05 juin 2008, Andrew Barr wrote:
> I am having some issues cross-compiling Gambas for ARM Linux, using the
> OpenEmbedded toolchain. My build log is attached. It looks like Gambas'
> build system is messing up the include paths in this case? Or is this
> something wrong with OE specifically?
> Thanks for any help.

The error message seems clear: you have encountered a bug in gcc, and it asks 
you to submit a bug report!

Anyway, it is strange that the compiler has a x86_64 include in its path when 
compiling for arm. It is really a compiler bug or did you do something weird 
in your cross-compile environment?

I can't tell you more, I've never made a cross-compile in my life...


Benoit Minisini

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