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Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)

Il 14/08/24 13:46, Fabien Bodard ha scritto:
    nope , shut me up lol.
       aByte.Bounds.Count is 1 , aByte.Bounds[0] is the Length value and
    fails as well.

    but what does "seem" to work is not supplying the start or length
    data and let it use the default

         hResult!image = aByte.ToString()

But the remain problem is the image is stored as row.. so ways bigger
that the initial png file. It's not working with parsimony...

Hi Fabien,

In fact it seems that Java has opted for the same solution as Benoit...


Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Fabien Bodard <gambas.fr@xxxxxxxxx>
While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Gianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Gianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Gianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Gianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: While you're packing (some questions about gb.db2)Fabien Bodard <gambas.fr@xxxxxxxxx>