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Re: Editor: Folding sections?

Am 12.06.24 um 15:41 schrieb Jose J. Rodriguez:
On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 5:32 AM Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    It is possible to fold/unfold functions and subs in the editor. Very
    handy by times...

    But is it also possible to fold greater sections of code? And if yes,
    how do I "mark" a section then?

FWIW, and just putting out an idea, you can create manual code-folding in Netbeans by surrounding a block of code within "comments" like these:

// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Whatever description you want to show">
... blah, ...
... blah, ...
... blah, ...
// </editor-fold>


Yes, this is more or less what I meant. I guess, there is no such thing yet in the Gambas IDE, right?

Maybe it could be made simpler by defining either "to the end of text" or "until the next folding mark". Thus you would have to invent only a single starting markup.

And I would add this to the comment function, i. e. after a single quote one or two additional letters, the rest of the line constituting the header for the folded text. Like this:

'# or '$ or '#$ or '$$ so when you write a title behind it

'$$ ------- The following is for ACCOUNT only ---------

when you collapse the text, you get a single line in a predefined color showing the title string and the "+" on the left.


Re: Editor: Folding sections?"Jose J. Rodriguez" <joe1962@xxxxxxxxx>
Editor: Folding sections?Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Editor: Folding sections?"Jose J. Rodriguez" <joe1962@xxxxxxxxx>