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Re: Editor: Folding sections?

On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 5:32 AM Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>

> It is possible to fold/unfold functions and subs in the editor. Very
> handy by times...
> But is it also possible to fold greater sections of code? And if yes,
> how do I "mark" a section then?
FWIW, and just putting out an idea, you can create manual code-folding in
Netbeans by surrounding a block of code within "comments" like these:

// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Whatever description you
want to show">
... blah, ...
... blah, ...
... blah, ...
// </editor-fold>


Re: Editor: Folding sections?Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>
Editor: Folding sections?Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>