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Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?

Am 06.06.24 um 10:49 schrieb BB:
I think the confusion here is what "polling" means. In this case it means "intervals between looking at the hardware flow control values in the local UART". It has nothing to do with the actual data flows which are entirely handled by the local and distant UARTs themselves. That is true whether hardware or software flow control is used.

a) when hardware flow control is being used ...

You are probably correct that the hardware flow control interrupts, if they are being used, have to be handled on the spot and they probably are, inside the low level handlers. But how often do we, at the upper level want to look at whether these control lines have changed? Continually, now-and-then, never? It seems to me that Gambas is offering these choices. You can implement XXX_Change event handlers which then "enable" the low level code to raise events when the respective control line value changes. Alternatively you can "poll" the (logical) UART now and then using the polling interval to see if one or more of the control line values has changed. Finally you could do nothing and let the lower level parts (software and hardware) worry about the whole thing themselves.

So why bother about these asynch flow control lines anyway? The most obvious reason is to check that the distant device is still there. Say the distant device is disconnected, the distant CTS line voltage drops to zero and thus the local RTS is dropped.... and stays dropped for a significant time... we can thus deduce that the "patient" has died and there is no more need to send anything to it or indeed try and see if it has sent any data to us. Other reasons exist.

b) when software flow control (XOn/XOff) is being used ...

None of the flow control lines are being used. There will be no flow control events. So asking the low level things about the state of these lines is meaningless. Thus the polling parameter is useless and need not be set.



To me it seems that there are misunderstandings about the function of serial interfaces. The application doesn't have to poll for change events. A change event is raised instantly when things happen. Hardware handshake lines are hardwired and used between two UARTs. However, there are handshake events which are useful for an application. But they must be available instantly and not be subject to a polling cycle. I use hardware handshake lines in most of my practical applications and even my simple demo app in the Gambas-Buch supports it. So low level handshake lines are not meaningless at all. RTS/CTS handshake lines are also not used to detect whether a counter station is dead. This is done by the DTR/DSR handshake lines. RTS/CTS handshake lines are used to avoid communication buffer overflows and are very important.

The change event handler also doesn't "enable" low level control. It is enabled by the property SerialPort.Handshake.

To be more clear: If Gambas really checks hardware handshake lines by polling, I would have a serious problem.



SerialPort.Open [Polling]?T Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?Claus Dietrich <claus.dietrich@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?T Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?Claus Dietrich <claus.dietrich@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: SerialPort.Open [Polling]?BB <adamnt42@xxxxxxxxx>