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Re: HTTP/HTTPS embedded web server

Le 18/04/2024 à 21:31, Linus a écrit :

No answer ? No interesting apparently …

Olivier Cruilles

This project is in C++, which may be a problem when you want to interface it with a program written in C (the Gambas interpreter).

Think that the HTTP server embedded in a Gambas executable would have to start itself as a CGI script by forking. It's not just the Gambas interpreter that uses a library.

So I would prefer a project written in C. No need to deal with C++ exceptions, C++ compiling time, C++ libraries and so on...


Benoît Minisini.

Re: HTTP/HTTPS embedded web serverT Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>
HTTP/HTTPS embedded web serverLinus <olivier.cruilles@xxxxxxxx>
Re: HTTP/HTTPS embedded web serverLinus <olivier.cruilles@xxxxxxxx>