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Re: github Discussions

Am 07.03.24 um 10:15 schrieb Benoît Minisini:

Gambas uses Gitlab. It does not use Github, because Microsoft... and AI
that pumps real source code made by real programmers to generate false
answers to people that needs AI to be a programmer.

Yes, super! :)

But we can wait for the moment that Gitlab sells our work to AI companies also ...

Git is open source. We could have our own Gitlab.

I am not against replacing the mailing-list by something else, but:

- It must offer the same kind of discussion organisation, i.e. threads.

- We should control the tool.

- Who is going to maintain that new tool?

Another advantage of the mails is that I can download them, and read
them later without the Internet.

For me mailinglists are still the best because

- everybody has email

- it is decentralized and cannot be owned by a single company which
  means that you can change your provider at any time

- there are hundreds of open source tools to handle it

As long as the development of the Linux kernel with thousands of developers is organized via mailinglists, I wouldn't worry about another tool.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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Re: github DiscussionsRolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>
github Discussions"Mayost Sharon" <sharon@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: github DiscussionsRolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: github DiscussionsBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>