[Gambas-user] Mistake on merge request

Gianluigi gradobag at gradobag.it
Sat Feb 10 15:28:33 CET 2024

Hi guys,

as usual I messed up with GIT, after the 'commit' I forgot to PUSH and
went straight to the 'merge' request.
The merge was rejected and I am given this suggestion: (*)
I tried to push late but it was rejected.
The current state after the first 2 suggested commands:
$ LANG="C" git status
On branch gambas-master
Untracked files:
   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

See attached image from GitLab

Can some good soul help me?


Check out, review, and resolve locally

Step 1. Fetch and check out this merge request's feature branch:

git fetch "https://gitlab.com/GianluigiOr/gambas.git" 'master'
git checkout -b 'gambas-master' FETCH_HEAD

Tip: You can also check out with merge request ID.

Step 2. Review the changes locally.

Step 3. Resolve any conflicts. How do I fix them?

Step 4. Push the source branch up to GitLab.

git push "https://gitlab.com/GianluigiOr/gambas.git" 'gambas-master:master'
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