[Gambas-user] Question about tooltip: font size and duration of view

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 12:58:22 CEST 2023

Tooltip setting will by handled by the underlying toolkit. So change main
system fonts to change tooltips.

You could always make your own tooltip routine using Balloon.class
Balloon gives more control.


On Mon, 9 Oct 2023, 11:22 , <roberto.premoli at tiscali.it> wrote:

> LEt say I have the follo label:
> label1.text = "test"
> label1.tooltip = "This label is a test"
> I can manage font size of label with
> label1.font.size += 3
> but I wish to increase also the font in the tooltip but unfortunately does not exist  command like the follow:
> label1.tooltip.font.size += 3
> So i ask: is it possible to resize the font size of tooltip or ar they a fixed size?
> Second question: i place cursor on label1 and tooltip popup after about 1 second and stay visible for about 13 seconds, then disappear: it is possible to change the duration, and make it longher?
> some as:
> label1.tooltip.visibletime = 30 ?
> Thanks
> Roberto
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