[Gambas-user] New AppImage Feature (Master)

Claus Dietrich claus.dietrich at freenet.de
Mon Oct 2 12:05:12 CEST 2023

Dear BM

I am currently exploring the new AppImage feature of the IDE and I was 
able to produced some working apps - also with OpenGL. I have following 

1.    What is the correct Ubuntu repository which I have to enter in the 
AppImage dialogue?

Since I don't have the background for choosing the right repository I 
tried http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and it worked (but I don't know 

2.    Why is the theme and font of the generated AppImage different and 
how can this be avoided?

Please have a look to the attached comparison. The apps were generated 
on a Mint 20.3 Mate VM with the standard Mint Y theme.

In comparison to the "classical manual" method the resulting size of 
AppImages generated in the IDE turned out to be much smaller (40MB 
versus 250MB !) and hence they are also starting much faster.

Many thanks for this great feature! Thumbs up and

Best regards


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