[Gambas-user] About Gambas 3 IDE...

Benoît Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Sat Nov 11 13:12:54 CET 2023

Le 11/11/2023 à 08:50, Fabien TONIUTTI a écrit :
> Hello every one,
> Gambas IDE became better and better with years and years and has now a 
> lot of options, tips, etc...
> But as a simple user, here you find list of options i don't or never use :
 > [...]

Do you know that you can configure the contents of the toolbars as you 
need, and remove all the buttons you don't want to see?

That configuration can be globally saved in a "interface layout" from 
the option dialog. At the moment, you have two default configurations: 
"default" and "compact".

Maybe you can elaborate some sort of "slim" layout from what you listed 
in your mail and send the result?

Note that you cannot remove menu entries at the moment. Moreover, a menu 
entry is usually required if you want a keyboard shortcut, so all 
functions must be present.

And be aware than if you don't see the need of a command, somebody else 

> Lock form : This option is good but has a lot of problems.(impossible to 
> unlock sometime, impossible to move scroll after, impossible to copy 
> some code if it's locked, etc..) in this moment like this, i don't use.

What do you mean by "impossible to unlock sometimes"? Can you give more 

> icon home for start class : I never use because i double clic on bold 
> class and i have the same result.

Not exactly, as clicking on the home button always send you to the 
'Main()' function.

> undo redo icon, never use

I doubt someone never use the "undo" function! :-D

> - When i maximise my IDE, and move cursor on widgets, descriptions of 
> widget are behind my xfce taskbar and impossible to know what widget i 
> select.

This is a XFCE problem, not a Gambas one as far as I know.

> - To hide or show help, i need to click on the very very smal arrow on 
> hbox in IDE. Is it possible to put small toolicon bar on the top of 
> widgets properties.

You have two big buttons to hide or show help. Which version of Gambas 
do you use?

> What does it mean icon : Show depreciated widgets? For what this icon 
> exist?

As stated, it shows the deprecated controls. The one you must not use in 
newer projects.

> F-) On the bottom :
> Console : I push F11 all the time to remove this console. I use a lot 
> but if it's possible, console need to be hidden by default.

The console panel opens when the program starts, and closes when the 
program stops, unless it was already opened at startup. So it should 
stay close if you don't open it manually.


Benoît Minisini.

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